2023 - 2024 Schedule of Tuition & Fees
Tuition is due on the first day of the month, including August 2022.
New Student Fees
New Student Enrollment Fee $100
(per child)
New Family Fee $500
(per family) see further explanation
Other Fees
Returning Student Fee $200
(annual, per child, due in March)
Supplies & Materials Fee Fall 2023 Spring 2024
(per semester) $150 $150
Parent Volunteer Program
(10 hours or $200 required per semester) $200 $200
Half Day Extended Day
Monday - Friday Monday - Friday
8:30 - 12:00 8:30 - 3:00
Monthly Paid Tuition (Due first of the month) $825 $1000
2023 Fall Semester Paid in Full (Due August 1) $3,918.75 $4,750.00
2024 Spring Semester Paid in Full (Due January 1) $3,918.75 $4,750.00
Annual Fund $500
see further explanation below
Further Explanation of Fees
New Student Enrollment
$100 per child
This is a one-time, non-refundable fee that is submitted with the enrollment application.
New Family Fee
$500 per family
Upon acceptance, this is a one-time fee due with the admission packet for the first child enrolled. If a new family changes their mind about enrollment, the fee is refundable within ten days of receipt. If two children are enrolled simultaneously, only one New Family Fee is due.
Sibling Admission Fee
Subsequent applications for additional children will be accompanied by the Sibling Admission Fee of $200 instead of the New Family Fee. This is a non-refundable fee that is submitted with the admission packet of new student that is the sibling of a current or former student.
Returning Student Fee
$200 per child
This is an annual, non-refundable fee that is submitted with each returning student’s re-enrollment form.
Supplies and Materials Fee
$300 per student ($150 due August 1st and $150 due January 1st of each year)
This is a non-refundable fee to be used exclusively for classroom materials and needs.
Parent Volunteer Program Option
Families are asked to contribute 20 annual volunteer service hours. Parents may opt out by paying a $20 per hour fee or $400 per year, divided biannual installments of $200 due at the beginning of each semester. This fee is fully refundable if parents fulfill the required 10 hours of volunteer work per semester. Volunteer activities help familiarize parents with the Montessori method and help keep our costs low. Projects include: building improvements, landscaping projects, playscape improvements, gardening projects, weekly laundry, janitorial assistance, minor administrative tasks, etc.
Annual Fund
In addition to tuition income, Salado Montessori relies on contributions to the annual fund and other fundraising efforts in order to meet operating expenses and keep tuition at a competitive rate. The annual fund provides a critical source of income that is necessary to enhance our programs and facilities, maintain steady growth, and help with forecasting as we plan for the future. We strive for 100 percent participation from our parent community in the Annual Fund. We ask for a yearly tax-deductible gift of $500 per family, and understand that some families may be able to contribute more and some will feel more comfortable giving less. All gifts are greatly appreciated, no matter the amount. You may choose to contribute in monthly installments with your tuition payments, or you can choose to give once yearly.